The team
Chris McKie | San Jose, California

Chris is an advisor and board member of O public relations.
After experiencing PR from both agency and in-house perspectives, Chris founded McKie Headstrom PR in 1998 to provide growing companies with a new and compelling way to leverage themselves and “get above the noise.”
Building on more than 15 years PR and technology experience, Chris has successfully implemented programs that have put companies, management and products on front-page covers and in the minds of those who influence the industry.
Chris has been quoted in many broadcast and print media including: CNN, San Jose Mercury News, Computer Reseller News, PC Week, Computerworld, c/net, among others. He has spoken at Fast Company’s “Company of Friends,” the PRSA “Counselors Academy” Spring Conference, and presented at the PRSA Western District Conference. He recently won a PRSA’s award for “Best News Story Release,” and is a sought after guest speaker at universities and colleges.